Welcome Message from the General Chair
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to QoMEX 2012 which is not only in a new country but a new hemisphere as well. QoMEX 2012 also brings a change in workshop style adopting an ‘all-in’ approach at the top-quality ‘Heritage Yarra Valley’ venue. Hopefully, you will find some time to explore the attractions of the venue which include golf courses, a day spa and extensive gardens and grounds for jogging, nature walks or bird watching along the Yarra River. The Yarra Valley itself is a world renowned wine region and an area of outstanding natural beauty. In Australia, it is known not only for its wines but also for local and international cuisine and we hope that you will get a chance to sample these during the workshop.
The workshop attracted 63 full papers with 42 being accepted and 30 short papers with 13 accepted. It has to be noted that the overall quality of papers submitted was very high and that QoMEX is already attracting a substantial ‘repeat’ participant list. The papers have been organised around a single track of oral papers, posters and a tutorial session. There are also two panel sessions to encourage discussion around current and emerging issues in our field.
The Organizing Committee have arranged three Plenary Talks for the workshop (from Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, Stefan Winkler and George Wright), all bringing a quite different view to Quality of Multimedia Experience. We have endeavoured to ensure that we see technical aspects of opinion scoring, through to exploratory work in ‘exertion games’ to the latest from the media industry which is seeing significant change and impact from our work. We hope you will find the talks enjoyable and stimulating. Accompanying the plenaries, Sebastian Egger, Tobias Hossfeld, Raimund Schatz
and Markus Fiedler have put together a tutorial on Waiting Times and QoE which promises new thoughts on these vital aspects of user experience. To extend discussion further Andrew Perkis and Bastiaan Kleijn have kindly agreed to host discussion panels which aim to stimulate discussion long after the panels themselves!
Since this is a ‘residential’ workshop, we have taken full advantage of the venue in offering all meals for delegates at the venue as well as the social event. This brings opportunities for casual and more detailed discussions across the dinner table and around the venue as well as in the more formal sessions. Friday evening’s social event will be a visit to Yering Station, a well-known Yarra Valley winery where we will find out more about the Quality of Experience achieved by oenology and viticulture.
The workshop has been a significant team effort and I would particularly like to thank the Technical Program Chairs, Christian Timmerer, Alexander Raake, and Christian Ritz for their diligent coordination of the reviewing and program planning. Of course, their work would not have been possible without the work of the many reviewers who dedicated time to reviewing and revising the submissions.
Finally, I must thank our sponsors: Qualinet, the European COST network, the IEEE, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, RMIT University, the Smart Services CRC and National Instruments. Also, the Steering Committee gave invaluable input at various vital points in the organisation.The workshop would have been impossible without the help of these sponsors and we gratefully acknowledge their input.
Please enjoy the QoMEX 2012 Workshop, the hospitality of the Yarra Valley and your experience of Australia!
Ian Burnett, RMIT University General Chair
Organising Committee
General Chair
Ian Burnett, RMIT University
General Co-Chair
Henry Wu, RMIT University
Technical Program Co-Chairs
Christian Timmerer, Alpen-Adria-Universität
Alexander Raake, TU Berlin
Christian Ritz, University of Wollongong
Steering Committee
Loretta Anania, EC
Alan Bovik, University of Texas
Touradj Ebrahimi, EPFL/NTNU
Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm USA
David Geerts, IBBT – KULeuven
Lina Karam, Arizona State University
Bastiaan Kleijn, Victoria University of Wellington Sebastian Möller, TU Berlin
Fernando Pereira, IST-IT
Andrew Perkis, NTNU – Q2S
Amy Reibman, AT&T Labs
Peter Schelkens, IBBT – VUB
Publicity Chairs
Christian Timmerer, Alpen-Adria-Universität (Europe)
Homer Chen, National Taiwan University (Asia and Pacific)
Publications Chair
Mohammed Raad, RaadTech Consulting
Registration Chair
Christian Ritz, University of Wollongong
Finance and Local Arrangements Chairs
Eva Cheng, RMIT University
Lorraine Valladares, RMIT University
Stephen Davis, University of Wollongong
Technical Program Committee
- Vittorio Barroncini, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
- Søren Bech, Bang & Olufsen
- Jeffrey Bloom, Dialogic
- Marina Bosi, Stanford University
- Al Bovik, University of Texas
- Pamela Cosman, UC San Diego
- Gabriel Cristobal, Instituto de Optica
- Ann Dooms, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Frederic Dufaux, EPFL
- Ulrich Engelke, Philips Research, The Netherlands
- Touradj Ebrahimi, EPFL
- Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm Inc.
- Markus Fiedler, Blekinge TH
- David Geerts, IBBT – KULeuven
- Hans W. Gierlich, Head Acoustics
- Bart Goossens, University of Ghent
- Yuukoy Horita, University of Toyama
- An Jacobs, IBBT – Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Lina Karam, Arizona State University
- Bastiaan Kleijn, Victoria University of Wellington
- Milos Klima, Czech Technical University, Prague Patrick Le Callet, University of Nantes
- Hantao Liu, TU Delft
- Sebastian Möller, TU Berlin
- Fernando Pereira, IST-IT
- Andrew Perkis, NTNU
- Amy Reibman, AT&T
- Ulrich Reiter, NTNU
- Peter Schelkens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Athanassios Skodras, Hellenic Open University
- Nitin Suresh, VQLink, Inc.
- Peter Svensson, NTNU
- Anthony Vetro, Mitsubishi
- Zhou Wang, University of Waterloo
- Wieslaw Woszczyk, McGill
- Henry Wu, RMIT University
Additional Reviewers
- Jan-Niklas Antons, Technische Universität Berlin
- Marcus Barkowsky, IRCCYN
- Kjell Brunnstrom, Acreo
- Shelley Buchinger, University of Vienna
- Eva Cheng, RMIT University
- Stephen Davis, University of Wollongong
- Jan De Cock, Ghent University – IBBT
- Katrien De Moor, MICT-IBBT-Ghent University
- Francesca De Simone, EPFL
- Frederic Dufaux, Telecom Paristech
- Sebastian Egger, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW)
- Karel Fliegel, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Salvador Gabarda, CSIC
- Marie-Neige Garcia, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/Berlin University of Technology
- Narciso García, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Yuukou Horita, University of Toyama
- Quan Huynh-thu, Technicolor
- Ankit Jain, University of California, San Diego
- Rittwik Jana, AT&T Labs Research
- Lucjan Janowski, AGH University of Science and Technology
- Hariprasad Kannan, Samsung India Software Operations
- Asiya Khan, University of Plymouth
- Dinesh Kumar, RMIT University
- Asli Kumcu, Universiteit Gent
- Peter Lambert, Ghent University – IBBT
- Chaker Larabi, Université de Poitiers
- Jukka-Pekka Laulajainen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Bob Lawlor, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- Tao Liu, Dialogic Research Inc.
- Cedric Marchessoux, BARCO NV
- Karsten Mueller, Fraunhofer HHI
- Paulo Nunes, ISCTE-IUL/Instituto de Telecomunicações
- Mohammed Raad, RaadTech
- Judith Redi, Delft University of Technology
- Peter Reichl, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW)
- Thomas Richter, University of Stuttgart
- Raimund Schatz, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (FTW)
- Nicolas Staelens, Ghent University – IBBT
- Dominik Strohmeier, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/Berlin University of Technology
- Dong Tian, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
- Martin Varela, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Zhou Wang, University of Waterloo
- George Xilouris, NCSR Demokritos
- Nick Zacharov, Genelec
- Hans-Juergen Zepernick, Blekinge Institute of Technology
- Thomas Zinner, University of Wuerzburg
- Vladimir Zlokolica, University of Novi Sad